

Great dragon sword day swept terror firm but gentle shot towards all around.
As high as 3,000 feet, the eternal peak was pierced by the poor firm but gentle, and finally collapsed like a honeycomb. There are still many people who can’t fly, but they are buried in rubble if they don’t escape.
The sky is even more cracked by firm but gentle. From time to time, there are storms sweeping out from heaven and earth.
In the dark, the wind howled like the end of the world
Whether it’s the devil’s brother or the practitioners of the temple, they are hiding thousands of meters away for fear of being Li Xuandao’s wave.
Lin Zhentian has turned himself into a human being. He stood tall and looked at the enemy Li Xuandao, who could not help but touch his nose and mouth with a wry smile.
It’s agreed that you will help slay the Emperor of Thousand Unique Bones yourself.
How did you end up being an idle person?
Where does this put his face?
However, Li Xuandao’s momentum is really amazing, and even he secretly loses his heart. Plus, Li Xuandao is now almost crazy, and he dare not do it without authorization, for fear that Li Xuandao’s no one will suddenly attack him.
"Thousand unique bones emperor, do you say or not?"
Li Xuandao’s long sword when the sword mans swept through the left leg of the thousand unique bone emperor, he still refused to see the thousand unique bone emperor, but he couldn’t help but feel angry. When the blade turned, he carried all the breath and stabbed at the forehead of the thousand unique bone emperor
This sword actually wants to slay the thousand unique bone emperors completely.
"Li Xuandao, how can I get you to be arrogant if I am not sealed by the goddess of heaven?"
It seems that I feel that Li Xuandao’s murder has suddenly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly turn pale and his voice is cold. "You killed my disciples and destroyed my eternal peak, but also cut my body. I have been burned by you for nearly 500 years. How can Li Xuandao let you know that I have a thousand bones if I don’t let you pay some price?"
Chapter 972 The cave world is flooded with ancestors and dragons!
Chapter 972 The cave world is flooded with ancestors and dragons!
Thousands of unique bones suddenly burst into light.
These lights have soared to cover Fiona Fang’s 10,000 meters, which has actually formed a strange world. This world is desolate and full of vitality. There are many bones everywhere, and you can still see the bones accumulating in the distance, and the mountains and bones piece together fierce beasts.
"This is …"
"Cave world!"
Looking at the gloomy sky, everyone in the world is creepy.
Lin Zhentian even woke up with a drink. "Li Xuandao is dangerous. This is the cave world that Brother Du Jie can create. If this cave is trapped, it will be difficult to get out, and the unique bone emperor can distort the laws of the cave world. Don’t recklessly."
At this moment, Li Xuandao has already killed his red eye. How can he ignore Lin Zhentian’s dissuasion?
He let out a loud roar, and the Dragon Sword suddenly chopped and split, carrying the breath of conan the destroyer and instantly rushed into the cave world.
"Ha ha ha Li Xuandao, welcome to my world of bones."
When Li Xuandao entered the cave world, he felt as if he had entered another world through a shape door, which was particularly similar to the feeling when he broke into the underworld.
And to Li Xuandao’s shock, his flesh and blood are melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.
"What is this?"
Li Xuandao instantly woke up, and he hurriedly recovered himself, but he still prevented the flesh and blood from dissipating.
Blink of an eye and Li Xuandao will turn into a skeleton.
His bones are crystal clear, like crystal, with a faint purple color. His bones are engraved with dragons, deep in his eyes and flashing with pure white flames.
"Li Xuandao, this is my world of bones, and all flesh and blood are gone."
Cloudy days suddenly rippled layers of ripples.
A thousand unique bones emperor’s huge body suddenly appeared, and he sat cross-legged on the throne of bones like a high god overlooking the earth.
With a wave of his hand, the peak of white bones 10,000 meters away suddenly rose from the ground, and the glittering and translucent bones pieced together thousands of bones. At the same time, the sky suddenly fell several times, and these strong gases circulated and gave off the creaking sound of bones.
Bones are full of gas!
Thousands of bones emperor bathed in strong white bones, and the scars were visible to the naked eye. The speed disappeared, and the white bones merged with the body very quickly.
Blink of an eye just like a horse died, and the emperor recovered instantly.
More than that

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