I kissed her on the cheek, which aroused her man’s dissatisfaction.


Su Qing went back to Rongcheng and Lu Zhengnan also went back to Beijing. The next day, colleagues from Britain also went to Beijing. We were stationed in Hengyuan.
And Zou Chen hasn’t appeared since that night, as if it were a incubus that night.
I’m in Hengyuan office next to the secret room, and when I go in and out of the president’s office, I pass through the door of Zou Chen’s office. The big glass in the office is always closed these days. Allen said that Zou Chen has gone to Germany on business, and I don’t know if she intends to tell me or disclose it to me. I have nothing to say.
Actually, assistant Lu Zhengnan has very few things. He can never call me personally. It can be said that my assistant is a soy sauce maker, but I have learned a lot from him. He is quite satisfied with one job I have done, that is, collecting information and classifying it for his reference.
I have been stationed in Hengyuan for a week, and I haven’t seen Zou Chen. Allen said that he went to Germany and then to Denmark, and it may take a week to come back.
I don’t know what that night was. Did he just disappear like that without leaving a word to avoid me?
Maybe it’s just a night/love.
I can’t help smiling bitterly.
Zou Chen disappeared quietly and came back suddenly.
I was in Lu Zhengnan’s office that day. He was sorting out papers. He was drawing pictures. He was very attentive when he drew pictures. Sometimes he sat for hours. I made him a cup of coffee and put it at his desk. Then I watched him drawing pictures quickly. The man just knocked on the door and entered.
I looked up at him with four eyes and his face was indifferent.
Section 155
He asked Lu Zhengnan about the progress of the design drawings, and Lu Zhengnan told him that it was estimated that he would be able to produce the sample drawings in a week. He said yes and left the office and turned a blind eye to me.
That night became a mystery.
In the next few days, he and I actually often meet in the first floor office, but they are even stranger if they don’t meet each other. Occasionally, they meet each other at most and don’t even have a smiling face.
On the day when the design was made, I went to his office with Lu Zhengnan and another designer. At that time, he was answering the phone and motioned for us to sit at a small conference table first.
He spoke in a soft and strange tone.
"Well, buy it if you like."
"Ben, I’ll go there"
"Let’s eat western food."
"Then you decide."
This tone reminds me of the way he talked to me in Rongcheng, and I don’t know if it was Ouyang Xue or other women.
Zou Chen came over and sat down beside me, and the faint smell of grass came to my nose. His arm was next to mine to feel warm, and I moved aside slightly. He glanced at me faintly, and he looked at me with such alienated eyes in recent days.
Lu Zhengnan and Jon explained the sample exhibition to him-he listened intently and focused on the feeling that I was next to a statue of a human body
He was so cold and distant from me after that night … I’m a little puzzled why he did this to me.
Listen to just now, he seems to have a lover, whether it’s Ouyang Xue or who … Then what happened to him with me that night?
Revenge? Or is it temporary?
I sat there, not listening to what they said, but staring at the desktop.
"Tong Tong … Tong Tong" Liu Zhengna tapped on a desktop before I lost my mind.
"Ah?" I looked at him from a rude awakening.
"I have a waste drawing on my desk. Get it for me."
"Good" I got up and bypassed the small conference table. I didn’t pay attention to the foot of the table. I almost fell down and I couldn’t help but exclaim.
Liu Zhengnan suddenly got up from his seat. "Are you okay?"
I staggered for two steps, stood firm and shook my head at him, but it still hurt when I kicked my toe on the foot of the table. I resisted and turned out of the office.
The man didn’t even turn his head.
I quickly found the waste drawing from Liu Zhengnan’s public desk, and when I returned to Zou Chen’s office, they all got up and seemed to have finished talking about it.
But I still took the manuscript and handed it to Liu Zhengna.
Liu Zhengnan handed me the drawings. Zou Chen chuckled, "Then you can put this one here. Sometimes you can have a look."
Zou Chen took the drawings and said, "Well, let’s make the meeting early."
After the meeting, I was going out with Lu Zhengnan and others. Zou Chen suddenly stopped me. "Assistant Lin, can you help me?"
Boss, I didn’t help Liu Zhengna. I gave him a reassuring look and turned and walked back.
"Zou always has something to do." I acted like business is business. He went to his desk and took out a brocade from the drawer to "give it to you."
I was stunned. It was Cartier’s packaging that made it difficult to be polite to me. Before my joy came out, he took out another one from the drawer, which was exactly the same.
"Can you help me see if this style is liked by girls?"
I took a close look at it. It’s the latest bracelet in Cartier. The style is simple and unique. It’s my favorite style. I was just about to express my opinion, he added
"Oh, I forgot that you are no longer a girl, so how can you know about being a teenager now?" He laughed that human and animal harm made me kill people.
"Manager Zou, it’s nothing. I’ll go out first." I put it away and turned to leave.
"You don’t want your share." His tone is a little regrettable.
"I don’t want a bonus." I left the door.
When did this man become so bad? It’s really annoying.
When I got back to the office, I was so angry that I tossed my folder.
"Why are you so angry?" A bad man followed.
Chapter two hundred and three Hedgehog counterattack
When I got back to the office, I was so angry that I tossed my folder.
"Why are you so angry?" A bad man followed.
I looked back at him coldly and didn’t want to talk to him. He came in and put the brocade on my desk to say, "I deserve it."
"What do you mean?" I pointed out
He looked at me and gave me a perfect smile. "It’s a reward for that night. I don’t like to take advantage of others."
"Oh, I have to pay. That should be the night I paid. You are good. I never like to owe people." I said, I went to get my bag and asked for my money.
Zou Chen squinted at the corner of his mouth. "Is this how you handle your booty friends?"
I took out my wallet to meet his eyes and smiled charming. "If you don’t come abroad so falsely, it’s good for you to feel comfortable once, but you can make a second date." This is what my English classmate told me.
Zou Chen squinted and picked up the table, which seemed to be thrown into the garbage. Jane smiled, "It seems that I am redundant, so it is not so empty. So Assistant Lin is still satisfied with that night. Can I make another appointment?" He looked at me with a sneer at the corner of his mouth
I feel my liver trembling and my lungs smoking.
"Ah, maybe the Asian body structure is still a little different from that of the Europeans, and there is a little bit missing." I said with a smile and my expression was limited.
Zou Chen’s eyes are suddenly disgusted.
I smile charming "Zou always you … also lack a little bit" He wants to disgust me, then I am more disgusting than him.
When people get angry, words often hurt the most.
He must have looked at my eyes, my eyes were tight, my eyes were rolling, my anger was surging, the waves sneered at me and scolded me for being "really dirty", then he turned around and left the door.
Looking at that back, my lips trembled, my face was dim and my face was depressed. I glanced at it. I took a sip of my lips in the garbage can or bent down to pick it up and put it in my bag to give it away.

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随着生活节奏的加快,人们对于休闲方式的需求日益多样化。在众多休闲方式中,桑拿成为了越来越多人追求健康生活的新宠。长沙,这座历史文化名城,近年来也涌现出了一批独具特色的桑拿馆。其中,“长沙桑拿不设套”成为了市民们津津乐道的休闲品牌,它不仅为人们提供了一个放松身心的场所,更传递了一种健康、自然的生活理念。 “长沙桑拿不设套”之所以受到广泛关注,首先在于其独特的经营理念。与其他桑拿馆不同,这里的桑拿不设任何陷阱和套路,以真诚的服务和优质的环境赢得了消费者的信赖。走进这家桑拿馆,首先映入眼帘的是宽敞明亮的大厅,干净整洁的更衣室,以及种类繁多的桑拿设施。在这里,消费者可以尽情享受桑拿带来的舒适与惬意,无需担心被诱导消费。 其次,“长沙桑拿不设套”注重健康养生。桑拿作为一种传统的休闲方式,具有很好的养生保健作用。这里的桑拿馆采用天然材料,确保消费者在享受桑拿的同时,不会受到任何化学物质的侵害。此外,桑拿馆还设有专业的理疗师,为消费者提供个性化的桑拿方案,帮助消费者达到放松身心、缓解疲劳的目的。 再者,“长沙桑拿不设套”强调文化内涵。这里的桑拿馆将传统文化与现代元素相结合,为消费者营造了一种独特的休闲氛围。馆内装饰典雅,融合了长沙的地方特色,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化气息。 为了满足不同消费者的需求,长沙桑拿不设套还推出了多种服务。如情侣间、家庭套餐等,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,增进感情,享受天伦之乐。此外,桑拿馆还定期举办各类活动,如养生讲座、健康知识普及等,让消费者在休闲的同时,也能学到更多健康养生知识。 当然,长沙桑拿不设套的成功也离不开其优质的服务。这里的员工热情周到,无论是接待顾客还是提供桑拿服务,都体现出一种专业、细致的态度。消费者在这里感受到的不仅是放松身心,更是对生活品质的追求。 总之,长沙桑拿不设套以其真诚的服务、健康的理念、独特的文化内涵和优质的环境,成为了市民们休闲娱乐的首选之地。在这个快节奏的时代,它为人们提供了一种全新的生活方式,让人们在繁忙的工作之余,能够找到一片宁静的天地,享受健康、快乐的生活。长沙桑拿不设套,已成为这座城市休闲文化的一道亮丽风景线。