However, things are also unexpected for Shen Han.


Sue’s family this meal is a simple dinner table. Everyone in Sue’s family is very polite to him. I didn’t realize anything about Su Qian.
post cibum
Sue old love will give a look, two tandem got into the room.
"Sit down and look at this."
Shen Han took the invitation and glanced at his eyes and joked, "Chief won’t want me to attend, will he?"
"You guessed it."
Su Lao nodded and said, "Although Elymus is a scholar, his sons-in-law are all in important positions. His big hands can reach the sky. It’s no harm for me to take you to know him."
Shen Han is very aware of the importance of contacts and appreciates "Thank you, Chief, for taking me to attend on time."
"If you talk about not bringing people, you can see far. Your eyes can’t be limited to one place. What about the land in the eastern suburbs?"
"The funds are already in place and there is no big problem in issuing them as scheduled."
"Then I’m relieved."
Shen Han came out of the room and Su Qian looked at her with a smile on her chest.
"How about the emperor didn’t get mad?"
"The breeze and drizzle don’t even have heavy sentences" Shen Han Xiaoxiao
"Do you want to attend the tenth birthday of Elymus?"
"How do you know?"
"Hum me, of course I know." Su Qian smiled smugly and two dimples were looming on his lips.
Shen Han looked at her with a complicated look for a long time before saying, "Thank you for thousands of words."
"If you say thank you, I won’t accept it. It must be substantial."
The girl’s cleverness and playfulness made Shen Han’s eyes bright and generous. "Go ahead, what’s the essence?"
"For example, eating, drinking coffee, watching movies and giving gifts, I will always ask for a lot, so don’t bother you then."
Shen Han’s deep eyes floated a bit.
☆, Chapter 191 Master is dead
Qian Su, who was born in the halls, is more sensitive to the interests and people’s hearts than ordinary people, and knows how to get ahead of others.
If such a person is by his side, he can foresee a bright future for Shen Han.
As Su Lao said, he can see farther from a higher angle and make the world look up to it.
But the person in the deepest part of my heart is always there, even if there is no hope, he is so stubborn
Shen Han raised his eyebrows and smiled. "It really needs a lot. What should I do if I get bored now?"
How can you not hear a word that is as clever as Su Qian’s?
She suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Shen Han’s lips like a dragonfly.
"Is that too much trouble for you?"
Shen Han was stiff as iron, and his eyes were fixed on Su Qian’s eyes for a long time without moving.
Su Qianyu was frightened by his expression and crossed his eyes, but gritted his teeth and deliberately joked, "Senior is not so surprised because this is your first kiss, is it?"
Shen Han’s face slowly eased and took a deep breath. "You’re right. This is my first kiss."
This round went to Qian Su and looked at him dumbfounded. "Can I understand that I found the treasure?"
Shen Han barely managed to squeeze out a smile. "Maybe I found a stone that was smelly and hard."
Su Qian didn’t understand the meaning in this sentence, and there was a strange dark mountain jumping in his eyes.
At his age, there is such a man as the first kiss. If she misses it, she will really be struck by lightning.
Su Qianyu held his head high with confidence. "I can cover him up without a hard and cold stone."
Master Mo painstakingly prepared a gift for Elymus’s tenth birthday.
I went to the hotel early that morning.
"Ha ha ha ha I was afraid you wouldn’t come!"
An old man with a crane hair saw Master Mo’s hands clasped tightly before he strode.
Section 447

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