Killing Lu Rongzheng recently, in addition to XUANWUMON statue, rosefinch beast statue and rosefinch beast statue have just seen killing XUANWUMON statue. Tianrui’s ferocious face suddenly disappeared.


Too fast, Genfado, rosefinch beast Zun and others are facing experts like Zhanwei Lu Rongzheng, and they all fight back to face stronger resistance from Tianrui Genfa.
Boom, no one reflected that rosefinch beast Zun Mo Yan was directly smashed to pieces by Tian Rui’s stick, and the charming body turned into stars and sparks scattered.
Well, Suzaku was reborn in the fire. I destroyed your soul. Look at your desire to be reborn. Tianrui’s eyes are full of biting and terrible hands, and he grabs at the core spark, which contains rosefinch beast’s soul fire. In the face of this really devastating blow, he already knows the end.
When rosefinch beast Zun was ready to die, there was an earth-shattering energy boom around him
Senior, you should leave Yuan Ye first, and don’t question the sound system.
Well, in that spark, I remembered rosefinch beast Zun Yin, and then rosefinch beast Zun did not hesitate to withdraw this level. She went to increase Yuan Ye’s burden.
Your strength is good, but your strength actually ambushed a 17-attribute quasi-statue dzogchen. You should know that weak sneak attack is nothing to be strong, and it is shameful to sneak attack on weak. You really make me look down on you. Tianrui is cold but full of disdain for sound.
Hum, it’s like you didn’t sneak attack. I’m eleven attributes. dzogchen sneaked on a seventeen attributes. dzogchen was killed by me. That’s his shame. My brilliant record, and your ten attributes. dzogchen’s sneak attack strength is equivalent to sixteen attributes. dzogchen is weak. What is Yuan Ye’s disdain for sound? I haven’t said you yet, but you said me. It’s really depraved.
XUANWUMON respects these people’s sharp roots in the face of the sky. Although Yuan Ye is also so powerful, how to kill in this world is a glory. How to kill in repairing high and how to die in repairing low hands is a shame. How much to kill is nothing to show off. Once the despicable means are used, people will laugh at it.
After all, the world is full of strength, and it is extremely important to respect Wu Zun and Yan Qiang’s glory.
I fell. Hum, I killed him even if I didn’t sneak up on him, didn’t I? Tianrui disdained to sneer, but you said that eleven attributes must respect dzogchen, but it is so strong that I can’t kill you, but I’m afraid you can’t save a few if you want to kill them, huh?
Yuan Ye looked at Duanmu Yunji Xu Ying, a little jerk, and seriously injured rosefinch beast Zun Qinglong Beast. Everyone here has a lot to do, especially the first three people who protect their loved ones around them have always been Yuan Ye’s practice creed. Yuan Ye can’t retreat at this moment.
Yuan Ye’s injury is not over yet, and his recovery is very little, but Yuan Ye didn’t say much about it. Let’s raise our hands slowly and cut the crap.
You are willing to fight a decisive battle. Tianrui can’t believe that both of them are seriously injured now, but Tianrui is stronger. Yuan Ye will continue to lose himself like this, but Yuan Ye will fight a decisive battle now.
Just these rubbish? I really don’t understand. Isn’t it just a few quasi-dzogchen? Even if the Xuan guards die, they will die. Seeing that you are nervous, Tianrui smiled and was very proud. Of course, he is willing to fight those guards whose strength is equivalent to the Xuan guards. He doesn’t care about it at all. In his eyes, Yuan Ye is actually an opponent
At this time, Yuan Ye has no way out. He is not afraid of Tianrui’s fight alone, and his chances of winning are not small. However, the strength gap between the two people, after all, also determines that Tianrui wants to bypass himself and kill others. It is impossible to protect himself.
The people who practice this evil are not good things, and their hearts are cold and cruel. They need to be able to win by increasing their chips by 10% and sacrificing their companions without frowning-this is their terrible place.
Friends have tacit understanding, comrades-in-arms friendship, treating each other with sincerity, and never giving up these things in life and death.
Husband Duanmu Yunji looked anxiously at Yuan Yeyin and choked up.
Stop it. You all stay away from here. Yuan Ye’s hands are swinging and two ripples are scattered. That power is the power of law.
Let’s go back quickly. It will increase Yuan Ye’s burden here and become his burden. The dragon beast statue felt the vastness and tried its best to retreat immediately.
In this way, the dragon beast respects them and root cutting won’t do it.
But Duanmu Yunji Xu Ying, a little jerk, and others didn’t return.
Ha ha ha ha! Tianrui severely hit the giant club foot, and the instantaneous part collapsed for more than 40 miles to form a terrible black hole. The tumbling gas will confuse the power of Fiona Fang Baili heaven and earth.
The whoosh Tianrui’s hand stick is indistinguishable from the naked eye. Tianrui’s whole body is covered with a layer of black light, and the black light turns around by a circle of black cracks at the vibration root. I don’t know what that is.
A black ripple converged in the palm of Yuan Ye’s left palm, and at the same time, a white ripple appeared in the right palm. Two ripples merged in front of Yuan Ye, and two huge forces merged to form a brand-new force, which was several times stronger.
The first cycle of the law of life and death
It’s too strong. Go back quickly. The dragon beast roared and pulled the little jerk around and left. But the little jerk was stupefied and looked at the world that belonged to Yuan Ye.
The black-and-white energy is rippling, and a force of law is rippling everywhere.
I tore you up and Tian Rui roared. He felt Yuan Ye’s strong power and coercion, but this coercion stimulated Tian Rui to be more vicious.
Samsara force directly into the day sharp.
Ah, Tianrui roared and saw that his forehead was directly swayed by thick ripples. The black and white law force was instantly filled with his body. Tianrui was destroyed by the law force. I don’t know the southeast and northwest.

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