Off the Gu Mengmeng Cambridge raised his glass to greet the doctors who had worked so hard for so long.


Words this compartment Gu Mengmeng slightly drunk hazy was Cambridge help back to the dormitory just a car and then sit back to the seat.
She blushed and pointed to help and said that this was not a hospital.
Help carefully said that Kang Dong told you to go home and sleep. He went to the hospital to accompany you tonight.
Gu Mengmeng vigorously gave a door.
Pointing to the place where the lights are on ahead, I slurred my words and said that if you don’t take care when you go to the hospital, I’ll let my eldest brother fire you.
Miss Gu is trying to cry.
After persuading him for a long time to see the effect, he reported the situation to Kang Dong while driving. Cambridge answered it over there, but smiled and said, just go and take care of Miss Gu.
Help dare not neglect all the way to the hospital only to find that Gu Mengmeng slept soundly.
Nate, please report the situation first.
Conway anxiously called Gu Mengmeng in the room and said that he would come at 9: 00, but it’s almost 1: 00 now. She doesn’t know that her eldest brother gave a banquet to Liu Jiaoshou to practice, and it’s inconvenient for him to call his eldest brother and ask his wife where to go. He kept ringing, but eventually someone answered the phone, guessing that she wouldn’t be anything.
Dangdang when knocking at the door rang in the room Chapter two hundred and ninety-seven Chicken soup even.
When Gu Mengmeng woke up, it was already the second day.
Rubbing his eyes, he looked around and found that he was familiar with the windmill impression painting. He knew that she was in a daze and went to the hospital. He looked sideways and saw the bed next door, staring at her with a black face, Major.
Two shan shan smiled.
Hi, husband. Good morning.
Well, eldest brother Liu Jiaoshou has flown across the channel. It’s getting late. Conway is wearing a hood and his head can’t move yet. He is an expert at dancing. Two expressions of dissatisfaction.
She got up from bed and looked at her pink cotton nightgown. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she called me who would change it for me.
See Conway erect thick eyebrows and bright eyes.
Na na said it wouldn’t be Big Brother Help, would it?
Give me a hand. He thinks I won’t do it yet. The head nurse will change it for you.
Gu Mengmeng this just breathe a sigh of relief clap breast said ok ok.
Come here, come here. He hooked his fingertips and she motioned for her to come here.
The sunlight projected from the white glass window frame made Gu Mengmeng feel a little dazzling, and took the back of his hand to block it. She squinted and walked over and held his handsome face in her arms. You’re welcome to chew on it.
I didn’t say I haven’t brushed my teeth until after kissing. Hey, hey.
Conway touched her cheek with his fingers and smiled and warned that he would never drink out of my sight again, did you hear that?
She stuck out her tongue and nodded naughtily.
Yes, my Lord Major.
The two had a good laugh. Conway saw that she was happy and wanted to go back to her dormitory for rest.
Gu Mengmeng zheng consciousness said no, don’t push your luck.

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