"Although the strength shown by the Principality of Aceh China is not worth mentioning relative to the Shura inferno, we can only live here for a long time, and we can figure out what the Principality of Aceh China wants to do, and we can clear its development context and speed, find out its weakness, and discover its real hidden strength …"


Big princess Linluo said.
Shura has no objection. He’s a master. That’s right. But on the mainland, the power equivalent to the 20-level angel is hard to come by. It is boring to let him compete with mainlanders. And it is impossible for him to stay in the magic hall and come to the forest of death. Maybe it will be unexpected fun to change his lifestyle.
As a matter of fact, Shura never reached the principality of Aceh. I feel a strange energy on my face. Two days later, he knew that this was an absolutely different place from the mainland kingdom. The freedom here that you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt others seems to be more suitable for his magical intelligence.
"Maybe two years of alternative life, I can make myself a rich man on earth without strength. Let it be, just study my field that is not suitable for shura’s underworld here! "
Shura never laughed at himself.
"Most adults don’t seem to exclude the principalities of Aceh." Big princess Lin Luo said strange tunnel.
"Your highness, I reject. But since everyone decided to experience a free life here. Then you have to adjust your mentality and do as the Romans do. Otherwise, I’m afraid we can’t stay. Moreover, only by adapting to it for a period of time can we have a profound understanding of this strange country. The second princess’s prediction is too terrible, so. The four magicians and I will make some small mistakes, which will not harm our lives, to verify whether the laws of this country are really in place! "
"But with your strength, insulted by untouchables …"
"Never mind. Only in this way can we find the breakthrough point and find the one man, one lotus, red and white swords that appeared in the second princess’s prophecy. "
"It’s really a grievance!"
"Injustice? Your Highness, in this country, if you don’t ask for it, who can be wronged by your ability? "
"That’s right. That’s hard work! "
"Uh …"
In the dead of night, the heavenly heart encircles the ground.
"Boss, it seems that some guys have come to the temple in the west, and their breath is very similar to that of the last time. Do you want to kill them?" Blue Ice Dragon’s height is reduced.
"High reduction, your detection has improved!"
"Of course, boss, I also noticed ten strange adventurers, all dressed in black. Gee, the man is as handsome and stylish as Gao Jian, and the woman is the Peugeot. Although they try their best to suppress the cultivation, as long as they are pegged to the high and low, how can their cultivation be kept secret for a long time! Boss, these five men and five women seem to have a purpose. Do you want to greet them? "
"Never mind. High reduction, let them naturally integrate into Aceh. Hehe, whoever comes to the principality of China is a malicious person. Before the malicious exposure, let them contribute to the prosperity of the principality of China. "
"Eldest brother, aren’t you afraid of their sabotage?"
"If I put you in a kingdom on the mainland, you can kill a large number of guys with one paw. Will you sabotage it?"
"No, I’ll be bored to sleep.
"It is. Even you, a naughty guy, have such a desire. What’s more, those who care. However, everything is actually fair. The mainland kingdom pays attention to taking things by surprise, so all the rules are that strength is respected and the strong is respected! But here, strength is only a component of a better life. No matter how great the strength is, it is not everything, nor can it determine everything. Those people. They will adapt to and like the new rules and new ways of playing, and they will find that they are really useless except for their strength. The principality of China has now entered the stage of social division of labor. The division of industries is getting thinner and thinner, and the interlacing is like a mountain. I can now imagine the distressed expressions of those people when they face many industries they don’t understand. "
"But, boss, they can do what they are familiar with?"
"That would be the best. Our principality welcomes skilled workers who can build their own guilds." As laughed. "Maybe under their leadership, there will be a big breakthrough in the industry."
"Luo … the boss’s broad-minded as the starry sky. Although Gao Jian does not understand, he admires it endlessly. " Blue Ice Dragon Ha Dao.
"How is the special training of your beast legion now?" As ignored flattery, straight asked.
"Eldest brother, hundreds of guys got fairy crystal, a fart dian fart. Everyone is happy to find the north, and training is also very exciting. But that’s all the motivation. Their intelligence is always limited, and they are often driven by instinct and habit. It is not possible to change their instincts and habits formed over a long period of time. "
"Then work hard! Gao Jian, their individual fighting ability is strengthened by fighting with you. I think next, the ability of group warfare will also be strengthened by fighting with you. "
"okay. Boss. "
"By the way, when you have nothing to do, take those three Warcraft that have broken through the supernatural realm out of the atmosphere to play and let them adapt to the space environment, if you want help in the future."
"Of course."
Look at each other.
This is the portrayal of the ministers at this time under the steps of the magic emperor Shura Fadi. One day in the sky, one year on earth. It’s been several months since the mainland, and it’s spring again. But it’s only been a long time since Shura’s underworld. This small half-day, the magic emperor met with the visiting Qingtian protoss, and then gathered a bunch of courtiers to discuss matters on the mainland.
When all the ministers discussed it to a final stage, they also accepted the division of human interests proposed by the protoss, just when the magic document was formed. Big princess Lin Luo Di human express arrived.
The magic emperor shura method unfolded, and after watching The Machine, he was surprised and angry. Big princess Lin Luo recorded everything that happened recently in the Principality of Aceh China that is worth mentioning in the human world, and attached the great prophecy that emerged after the second princess Lin Re visited the Principality of Aceh China for a period of time.
The magic emperor looked weird and was surprised in anger, which had to make his ministers get chug in their hearts.
"Let’s see, this is what is happening on the mainland."
The magic emperor gave the magic dispatch to the magic attendant in the temple, and the magic attendant took it and passed it on to his ministers.
After a little confusion, the magic emperor calmed down and saw that all the ministers had circulated the urgent documents on earth, so he asked, "The mainland has changed. It seems that the protoss has suffered a big loss, otherwise it would not come to me. Ladies and gentlemen, all the discussions just now are invalid. Now, I want you to talk about your views on the lower mainland. "
"Your majesty, just a small country in the lower bound, just destroy it?" Martial arts school.
"Your majesty, the mainland people are full of emotion, and I think this is my emperor’s prestige, arise and cut it. If it wishes to belong to the magic temple, spare it; If it is stubborn or attached to the temple, then pull it out and leave no future trouble. " School of literature.
"Grand Inspector (equivalent to a Buddhist teacher), what do you think?" The magic emperor was bored, the martial minister was too straight, the civil minister was arrogant, and what he said was nothing new.
"Your majesty, the star is reversed, and the country is now in chaos …" The named magic minister is a lean old man, and his face has changed with a magic dispatch.
"What?" When the magic emperor Shura Fa heard this, he was so frightened that he almost couldn’t sit still and fell off the golden throne.
"Your majesty, when for early. This prophecy was left by the first generation of senior judges. The complete prophecy is twelve characters, the star is reversed, the grass is chaotic, and the gods and demons are hidden. Now His Royal Highness big princess has presented all kinds of things, all of which indicate that the Principality of Aceh in the world is a chaotic country. What is a country with chaotic grass means that people, like the wild grass in the mountains, grow freely. Finally, these weeds, which are not trimmed by the laws of ghosts and gods, will cover the earth and creep into the void … "
"Big SiCha, all the ministers just now. Can you hear it? "
"Hear, if your majesty adopts it, the second princess’s prediction may come true?"
"Really?" The magic emperor’s face was livid for an instant, which was obviously unacceptable.
"Your majesty, big princess’s dispatch has explained the military strength of the principality of Aceh China, but they have no signs of invading other countries, and they have no intention of dominating the mainland. Their land and wealth are demanded from the wilderness. That is to say, they will not take the initiative to make friends with any country on the mainland. Don’t you think it strange, your majesty, that you can despise the powerful power of temples and magic halls without moving? "
"Big inspector, you mean. They are waiting for someone else to call … "
"Yes, your majesty, they are waiting for someone else to knock on the door and then launch a destructive counterattack. I came to fix the underworld in the Great Palm Hall of the Heavenly Protoss. I used to wonder when the sun came out in the west, but now I understand. Aceh’s chaotic country is adjacent to the land boundary of the protoss camp. Because of the protoss’ arrogance and strong desire for control, such a country cannot exist. Obviously, the protoss met this country in the first round, and the protoss failed. Maybe the god attendant was left in Aceh’s chaotic country. If the veteran guesses well, the sacred snow mountain temple in the God camp has been destroyed. Without the central pivot, the protoss was temporarily unable to organize an army. So, the protoss for time, will come to beg your majesty … "
"They want to let me fight with Aceh’s chaotic country first?" The magic emperor shura method also woke up.
"Have this meaning! However, the protoss is indeed eager to reduce the strength of the Aceh country on earth. " The old man smiled. "Your majesty, can balance the protoss such a country. My magic camp is still watching. "

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