It’s not how much I value the title of the king, but the resources after becoming the chief king.


If you want to become the chief champion, then Tam will need a resource base to break through the diamond level in the future, so you won’t have to worry about Lu Yuan.
Liu Yuan, next to Red Crescent Lake, let Xiao Bai out with Adolf’s permission.
Come back here, Xiaobai feels the strong red crescent force in the air, and she is in a good mood.
Although it has been more than a year since it left with Luyuan.
But this more than a year has made Xiaobai feel like a lifetime ago.
Going back to Moonlight Forest again is like going home.
That feeling is hard to describe in words.
"It’s up to you whether Xiaobai can break through or not."
Xiaobai nodded and walked towards the center of Red Crescent Lake.
That’s where that red crescent pow is strongest in the whole red crescent lake.
Even some pet animals living in moonlight forest all the year round generally dare not go deep into this position.
Not everyone can control power because of the red crescent force.
Once infected by the Red Crescent Force to a certain extent, it is likely to become a twisted monster.
This monster Liu Yuan is not unheard of.
When he first came to Red Crescent Lake, he was caught in a red crescent tide.
In that environment, although many pet animals have gained power far beyond their own level.
But at the same time, their spirit has been polluted to a great extent and become distorted.
But Liu Yuan didn’t worry too much about this.
Xiaobai, who has the template of Banye, is almost responsible for the red crescent, and will not be polluted by the red crescent after finishing the epidemic root.
Therefore, this is the best place for Xiaobai to practice!
At the same time, Tam and others were also released by Liu Yuan.
Although Tam’s brothers don’t have much demand for the red crescent force, they benefit from the particularity of moonlight forest.
The law force here is much more obvious than the outside world.
This is what Liu Yuan felt after coming over this time.
Presumably, because the patron saint is powerful, the process of suppressing them needs more legal support
It comes naturally from the surrounding environment and will manifest a lot of legal forces.
It’s similar to enlarge the barren tower.
This is also the reason why Lu Yuan practiced in the Great Wilderness Tower for a long time.
Don’t talk about Lu Yuan, even the diamond-level strong men like Adolf and Huang Long.
In this way, there can be a lot of gains in the environment.
The status of the six colleges today is not dependent on the students’ own talents, but also on the specific cultivation environment mastered by the six colleges.
The six colleges are already the top in the league in terms of recruiting students’ physical talents.
Combined with a special cultivation environment like Moonlight Forest and Wild Pagoda.
It is not surprising that they can achieve strength far beyond their peers.
The advantage of key is not for individuals, but for students of radiation college
Relying on these two great advantages, students from six universities can naturally crush people from non-six universities.
Xiaobai in the Red Crescent Lake began to see a lot of red spots around his body at this time.
These red spots surround Xiaobai like starlight and vaguely form a certain eucalyptus.
In addition, the whole Red Crescent Lake seems to have changed a little. The original calm lake began to ripple in the deepest part of the lake.
A huge eyeball seal by chains began to shake slightly.
A lot of granulation grows around the eyeball.
These granulation are constantly floating like aquatic plants.

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